Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Morning

Good Morning Everyone. What a lovely fall day it is here in rural Missouri. I LOVE this weather! I'm so glad I started this new medication. It was a rough beginning, and I don't always feel the best, but I feel like 86% better than I used to, which was lousy, so that is a HUGE improvement.

I went to the gym last night and had an awesome workout. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't figure out why I was so sore on my sides. We worked our obliques in ab class, yeah, successfully. Wooo. Then I got up and did an hourish this morning of cardio. probably closer to 50 minutes if you take all my time fooling around and switching gym equipment. I wanted to switch things up this morning. What can I say? Tomorrow and Thursday both I have an appointment with the trainer, so I'll be up early both days too.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention. Happy dance. Since I went to the gym last night, I got to weigh in...weight for it, weight for it (pun intended, duh I misspelled it for pete's sake), drumroll please....192.2! I think I'm going to hit the 189 mark by Halloween for sure. As long as I behave in Alaska this weekend. No excuse to party hardy while I'm up there. I have been super bitchy with this whole no alcohol thing. It sucks a whole lot, but that plus the topamax thing are really helping the scale start to budge, so I cannot bitch about that! So I guess I'll just have to stick with it. How's everyone else doing? Hope you are all doing grand. Random thought, but I was so surprised not to have any rants or raves about the cheeseballs yesterday!

Also super excited b/c I get to go watch my little bro play jr high foot ball today, go little bro! I'll be the psycho loud sister cheering, okay not enough to embarrass him or anything, but you get the point.

1 comment:

Natalia said...

192?! That's awesome. Good for you. I know what you mean about the no alcohol thing, but what empty calories! :) You're doing great!