Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sore a$$

Wowzers, my trainer kicked my butt this week, literally. I can barely get in and out of my seat. She called me her guinea pig. It worked, I really got a good workout. Phew. Unfortunately, my eating has been less than desirable.

I went off of my migraine meds, which had too many side effects for my personal enjoyment, and ever since then, I have been sooo hungry. Blasted things. I liked them when they suppressed my appetite, so I shouldn't complain. I just have to retrain my body and mind. I'm trying yet another medication, we'll see how it goes. Blah. I hate side effects, I hate drugs. Why do doctors refuse to look at cause and only look at treatment? It is so irritating.

I do not really have anything enlightening to say, which is kind of a bummer. I have really enjoyed having a four day weekend, now it is back to the daily grind. Can't say I wouldn't mind long weekends every week. I should post more, but my mind must still be on vacation.


RunningNan said...

Oh, I know exactly what you mean! All I can say is mint flavored gum (please, not sugarless) and lots of water.

Natalia said...

I love it when I have a good workout~! Sorry to hear about the meds it sux to be hungry. I'm with runningnan lots of water!

Hang in!

Trisaratops said...

I love that sore feeling - feels good to have those muscles yelling at you! I'm sorry you're having a hard time with meds - that's the pits. I wish you good luck!

Anonymous said...

we dont need enlightening!

just updates...

try, perhaps, to not focus on the eating but on all the metabolism boosting muscle you are creating as the guineapig!

glad it's you not me :) sounds brutal.

in a good way.